Have you ever stumbled across someone’s writing that just clicks with you?
I recently discovered a website called Wake Up Cloud, written by Henri Junttila.
Henri was born in Sweden and currently lives in Finland. He’s been quietly creating life-altering content online since 2009.
His work is a breath of fresh air in the positive self-change field and I highly recommend checking it out if you need a motivational boost.
One of Henri's posts features a compilation of quotes titled "77 Great Quotes That Will Change Your Life." Within this list, I found 5 quotes particularly relevant to the world of content creation and beyond.
“If we’re growing, we’re always going to be out of our comfort zone.” - John Maxwell
Every step in your content creation journey, from building a website to launching a product, will push you outside your comfort zone.
Embrace this!
It signifies growth, success, and that you're truly living.
“If you wait to do everything until you’re sure it’s right, you’ll probably never do much of anything.” - Win Borden
How often do we see new content creators waiting for the "perfect" moment?
The ideal time to launch, the right website setup, or the perfect alignment of the stars? The truth is, you'll never have all the answers. Take action!
It's like riding a bull – you can't predict its every move.
Get on, hold tight, and enjoy the ride.
Learn from your successes and plan your next move, while those who wait for the "perfect" time remain stagnant.
“Motivation is what gets you started. Habit is what keeps you going.” - Jim Rohn
Many content creators struggle with finishing what they start.
They might begin an article, or half write a few posts, and then abandon the whole lot in order to go off to half work on something else.
Others create odds and ends of something or other that could be something before moving on to the next shiny idea.
Don't be that person!
Develop the habit of consistent action.
Find an idea and stick with it.
Keep working on it, keep adding to it, make it whole and real and full.
Every day, do something—anything—that moves your content creation efforts forward. The key to achieving your goals is persistence.
“Action will remove the doubt that theory cannot solve.” - Petryl Hsieh
New content creators often doubt themselves, their content, their systems, and even their own abilities. They question their selling skills, communication skills, and even the basic steps to get started.
This doubt leads them to buy more ebooks and consume endless content, hoping it will replace doubt with confidence.
Here's the truth: the only antidote to doubt is action.
All the knowledge in the world can't erase doubt. Real results and achievements build self-worth and confidence. Action leads to progress, and progress breeds confidence.
Here's an illustrative (and slightly exaggerated) example:
A new, intelligent content creator meticulously researches and analyzes the market to create the perfect product.
Years are spent refining it to adapt to every possible change. Meanwhile, a less analytical creator identifies a problem from a forum discussion, creates a solution in a 20-page report, and sells it for $7.
They make some sales, gain valuable experience, and build a customer list.
While the "intelligent" content creator remains stuck in analysis paralysis, the "not-so-bright" creator takes action, learns, and builds a thriving business. Knowledge is valuable, but action is essential for progress.
“That some achieve great success is proof to all that others can achieve it as well.” – Abraham Lincoln
Think about it. You've seen countless content creators go from challenging circumstances to six-figure incomes.
It doesn't mean they're super-human, just super confident in their ability to grow their businesses.
They understand that success is achievable, and they can choose to work less or continue scaling their income.
The key takeaway? If they can do it, YOU can do it.
Repeat this mantra: "If They Can Do It, You Can Do It."
Believe in yourself, because their success is proof of yours.
As always, thanks for reading.
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P.S. Next time on Shaking the Tree … Figuring out the next step
ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Originally from the U.K., Gary Bloomer is a writer, branding advocate, marketing specialist, and an award-winning graphic designer.
His design work has been included in Creative Review (one of the UK’s largest design magazines). Since 2009, he has answered over 5,000 marketing and business questions in the Know-How Exchange of MarketingProfs.com, placing him among the top 3% of contributors. He lives in Wilmington, Delaware, USA.